Real Lives, Real Transitions

Start our all-new email course on human-centered outplacement.

Facing a RIF, layoff or reorganization? Many HR and business leaders share your concerns about ensuring a smooth transition for exiting employees and minimizing the impact on their organization.

It’s why we launched a new, informative 5-part email course “Real Lives, Real Transitions” to help leaders like you learn strategies for leading transitions with a human-centered approach.

5 days. 5 emails. 5 high-value topics including:

  • Part 1: Leadership Life Lessons from Life Changing Reorganizations
  • Part 2: Five Key Considerations to Ensure You Navigate Change With Care
  • Part 3: Navigating Your Organization Through Change
  • Part 4: The Power of Coaching to Change Lives
  • Part 5: Nurturing Human Connections in a Digital Age

Gain the tools, best practices and expert guidance you need to support exiting and retained employees with compassion during challenging transitions.

Sign-Up Now

Are Your Employees Just Going through the Motions?

Leaders across industries believe their employees are engaged and loyal to their organizations. This is an illusion. A must-read for leaders, our new report, The Engagement Illusion, uncovers the depth of the crisis and what you can do to overcome it effectively. 

Are You Relaying On Pay and Benefits to Boost Employee Engagement and Loyalty

That mistake could cost you. Discover what your employees need to stay engaged and loyal in our must-read State of Careers report, “Money Can’t Buy You Loyalty,” the second part of The State of Careers 2024 series.